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Resource: Kit (K5VB) VBS - Vacation Bible School 2009 Camp Edge     
Author: Cokesbury
Publisher: Cokesbury, 2009
Vendor: Donated by Cokesbury
Subjects: Bible Children; Christian Education; VBS
Location: VBS
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780687654840
Description: Cokesbury's Camp E.D.G.E. Vacation Bible School 2009 takes your children to an extreme adventure camp where they Experience and Discover God Everywhere! Camp E.D.G.E. VBS is not your typical stroll through the woods. It's an action-packed, adrenaline-filled expedition that teaches kids their strength and might come from God. Through rockin' contemporary music, larger-than-life recreation games, mind-boggling science activities, extreme sports videos, and cool, challenging crafts, you'll show your kids how to live on the E.D.G.E. in their faith. Day by Day Lessons:
Day 1: God is with Me. I will stay close to God. Bible Story: Trek to the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1-11; 3:1–4:18)
Day 2: God guides me. I will follow. Bible Story: Trek to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12)
Day 3: God teaches me. I will learn. Bible Story: Trek to the Pharisee’s House (Luke 14:7-14)
Day 4: God loves me. I will love God and others. Bible Story: Trek to the Upper Room (John 13:3-20; 13:33–14:30; 16:12–18:1)
Day 5: God sends me. I will go. Bible Story: Trek to Galilee (Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20)
Age Groups: Preschool; Lower elementary; Upper Elementary

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