East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource Catalog Search Results

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Series - titles only (SERBAS=) Basic;     
Subjects: Bible Study; Bible, Study And Teaching; Disciples Of Jesus; God; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ; Personal Growth; Prayer; Sacraments; Spiritual formation; Spiritual Life And Growth
Location: PSG
Description: This seven-session small group experience is designed to take your small group deeper into the context of the first three BASIC films. Each DVD includes expanded content not found on the individual film discs.
Join Francis Chan as he explores the weighty topic of the Trinity, distilling the reality of the nature of God into foundational truths. The seven unique sessions engage small groups in challenging, innovative, and accessible discussions of the nature of God and what that knowledge means for those who believe in Him.
7 separate pieces, 10-15 minutes each
Age Groups: None specified.

Resources in this series:

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