East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource Catalog Search Results

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Series - titles only (SERGRA=) Grace Based Parenting     
Subjects: Family Life; Grace; Parenting
Location: PFA
Description: This is a series of 3 videos - please choose which you'd like!

Too much of today's Christian parenting is based on fear: fear of the world . . . Fear of America's liberal culture . . . Fear of other parents' and the church's opinions. Best-selling author Dr. Tim Kimmel says fear, "is an excellent way to wreck your kids." Grace based parenting, on the other hand, relies on God's love, replicates His forgiveness and commitment to His children, and displaces fear as a motivator for every behavior.
Grace Based Parenting will help you:
Find the balance point in a world of extremes
Keep from investing your energies in a long list of things that don't matter
Make parenting more fun
Liberate your children emotionally and spiritually
Prepare your whole family for a lifetime of healthy choices and relationships-with God and with each other
Know the best way you can meet your kids' most basic needs-the way God meets all of ours
Teach your child to navigate their culture, choose better friends, and make wiser choices.
Parents can expect to go away with a blueprint for building confident, courageous, and cooperative kids. Grace Based Parenting will show them a grace-based, character-driven model to nurture well- rounded and loving kids—and have a great time in the process!
Age Groups: Adult (30-65)

Resources in this series:

  • (GRA=01) GBP: Creating an Atmosphere of Grace
  • (GRA=02) GBP: Building Character
  • (GRA=03) GBP: Aiming Your Child at True Greatness

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Data updated 1/23/2023 12:02:19 PM.

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