East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (FRIKIN) The Friends of Jesus     
Author: Kingsbury, Karen
Publisher: Life Way, 2015
Vendor: Life Way Press
Length: 6 sessions
Heading: BST — Bible Study
Subjects: Bible, New Testament; Jesus Christ
Location: BST OV
# Copies: 2
ISBN/ISSN: 9781430040231
Description: Karen Kingsbury explores six people in the life of Jesus and the depth of friendship that is found with each one.
After a life of loneliness, Simon the Leper discovered true friendship with Jesus and became a person full of gratitude. Martha is known for her busyness and work ethic, but she also learned to worship through her friendship with Jesus. Saturated in legalism, Jairus was a religious and synagogue leader who learned much more about his beliefs and what it means to value relationships over religion. Mary Magdalene came to personally know her Savior, Jesus. Her life then was marked by devotion as a friend and follower of Jesus. And, Peter, a man of both faith and failure, challenges the reader to step up after failure and become a person of obedience and commitment to Jesus. Finally, the Bible study closes with the life and friendship of John. This beloved disciple and friend of Jesus begins his journey with Jesus as one of the sons of thunder, but transforms into a man marked by humility and love.
Session 1 Simon the Leper (30:15)
Session 2 Martha (27:32)
Session 3 Jairus (28:01)
Session 4 Mary Magdalene (27:15)
Session 5 Simon Peter (26:47)
Session 6 John (24:45)
6 sessions, 24-30 minutes each
Materials: 2 DVD
Participant's Guide
Links:Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_-Q3f9-H4Q
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-65); Adult (65+)

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