East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (HAZROB) Hazardous Saints; Christians Risking All, Changing Everything     
Author: Robertson, C. K.
Publisher: Morehouse Education Resources, 2014
Vendor: Cokesbury
Length: 6 sessions
Heading: CCH — Church/Christian History
Subjects: Bible Study; Church History
Location: CCH
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781606742334
Description: This exciting new study invites small groups and individuals to explore the lives of six Christian “saints” who risked all for the sake of the gospel. Like Jesus, each of the featured leaders were change agents in their times: the Subversive Bridge-Builder, Barnabas; the Lovable Rebel, Francis of Assisi; the Tightrope Walker, Thomas Cranmer; the Persevering Prophet, Sojourner Truth; the Idealistic Realist, Dorothy Day; and the People’s Voice, Oscar Romero. Each session concludes with three possible endings, one for adult study groups, one for individuals, and one for vestries and other gatherings of church leaders. Illustrative slides promote conversation starters and interaction. It also includes a bonus resource: A Simple Prayer Liturgy for Use by a Small Group.

6 sessions, approx 20min each
Materials: DVD
Participant's Guide
Links:Session 1: Barnabas: Subversive Bridgebuilder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIjboYHp2ik
Age Groups: Adult (30-65)

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