East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (GEN=02) Generation Change #2     
Series: (SERGEN=) Generation Change
Author: Ramsey, Dave
Publisher: Lampo Group, The, 2012
Length: 3 sessions
Heading: YMI-STE — Youth Ministries / Stewardship
Subjects: Money Management; Stewardship; Young Adults; Youth Ministry
Location: YMI
# Copies: 1
Description: 1 Do the Details
A budget is the key to winning with money—even for teens! This lesson teaches basic budgeting, including Dave's cash envelope system and debit card strategies. Plus, students will tackle the subject of wants versus needs.
2 Do the Math
Math isn't fun. This lesson is. Teens will learn how to prioritize saving over spending and how to save for big things like a car and college. They'll also learn how compound interest works, the basics of mutual funds, and why having an emergency fund is such a big deal.
3 Do Your Part
What made the Good Samaritan so good? It was his attitude about giving. In this lesson, Dave and Rachel explore the meaning of stewardship. Topics include giving both time and money, understanding the tithe, giving beyond the tithe through offerings, and how teens can make an impact on the world today!
Materials: DVD
Leader's Guide
Participant's Guide
Links:Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWD6O96imfA
Age Groups: Young Adult

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