East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource Catalog Search Results

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Series - titles only (SERCHU=) Chuck Knows Church     
Subjects: Advent And Christmas; Bible, History Of; Church History; Cross; Lent And Easter; Ministry; Prayer; Sacraments; United Methodist Church
Location: UMC
Description: Chuck Knows Church is a fun and informative (and free!) weekly web series about the objects, symbols and terms used in church. Take a couple of minutes and have some fun while you learn from Chuck!
Choose which DVD you would like, a list of clips is located under the description of that DVD.
CHU=01 Episodes 1-25
CHU=02 Episodes 26-50
CHU=03Episodes 51-75
Age Groups: None specified.

Resources in this series:

  • (CHU=1) Chuck Knows Church Episodes 1-25
  • (CHU=2) Chuck Knows Church Episodes 26-50
  • (CHU=3) Chuck Knows Church Episodes 51-75
  • (CHU=4) Chuck Knows Church Episodes 76-100

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Data updated 1/23/2023 12:02:19 PM.

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