Resource Catalog Search Results

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1-20 of 9281 resources displayed             (Page link to these results)

Click on an Item Code to view details for that resource:

Item Code Type Title Author
DVD106CH  DVD  What Does It Mean To Be United Methodist?  United Methodist Communications  
DVD564AH  DVD  24 Hours That Changed the World  Hamilton, Adam  
LG35AH  Leader's Guide  24 Hours That Changed the World  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD106CH=  DVD  What Does It Mean To Be United Methodist?  United Methodist Communications  
B129AH  Book  24 Hours That Changed the World  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD248AH  DVD  The Journey  Hamilton, Adam  
LG211AH  Leader's Guide  The Journey: Leader's Guide  Hamilton, Adam  
B531AH  Book  24 Hours That Changed the World: 40 Days of Reflection  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD248AH=  DVD  The Journey  Hamilton, Adam  
B555AH  Book  The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem  Hamilton, Adam  
DB24AH  Devotional Bk  The Journey: A Season of Reflections  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD564AH=  DVD  24 Hours That Changed the World  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD2017AH  DVD  Creed: What Christians Believe and Why  Hamilton, Adam  
FG3EB  Facilitator's Guide  Efird Bible Study: Facilitator's Guide     
DVD2017AH=  DVD  Creed: What Christians Believe and Why  Hamilton, Adam  
LG806AH  Leader's Guide  Creed: What Christians Believe and Why  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD971AH  DVD  Final Words from the Cross  Hamilton, Adam  
DVD971AH=  DVD  Final Words from the Cross  Hamilton, Adam  
B561AH  Book  Final Words from the Cross  Hamilton, Adam  
LG224AH  Leader's Guide  Final Words from the Cross  Hamilton, Adam  
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