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Resource: DVD (DVD231CH) Clayride     
Author: United Methodist Communications
Publisher: United Methodist Communications, 1984
Vendor: EcuFilm
Length: 5 min.
Subjects: Christian/Church History; Church Organization and Beliefs; Confirmation; Methodism; Wesley
Location: Church
# Copies: 4
Description: 5 min./1984/available in VHS format. This fast paced video, taken from the longer resource, From the Word Go, presents a synopsis of two hundred years of United Methodist history in America: Asbury’s arrival, the Revolutionary War, the Christmas Conference and the appearance of the Circuit Riders. Methodists can be found on the Trail of Tears, gold fields of California, and both sides of the Civil War. In the 19th century we see the Church building colleges and hospitals in this country and missions abroad. They crusade for the rights of factory workers, women’s suffrage and the Temperance Movement. Despite the differences and two hundred years of changes, they are still United Methodists.
Age Groups: Lower elementary; Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Senior Adult (55+)

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