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Resource: Alban Institute (AL30505.0002) Congregational Trauma: Caring, Coping & Learnilng     
Author: Hudson
Publisher: Alban Inst
Length: 165 pages
Heading: 070 — Conflict
Subjects: Alban Institute Books; Conflict; Disaster
# Copies: 1
Description: "Traumas occur all too frequently in our churches (clergy misconduct, arson, suicide) as well as our world (natural disasters and bombings). The Rev. Jill Hudson, drawing on her own personal involvement with a traumatized congregation, has provided a sensitive guide for responding to such situations. She has also studied church responses to traumas outside of their walls (the Oklahoma bombing) and developed a comprehensive guide to the psychological, theological, and spiritual dimensions of responding to trauma as well as the practical aspects of dealing with law enforcement personnel and the media. Not all congretational traumas involve murder, suicide, or bombings, but all need responses of loving care. The lines of communication between the grieving church and the faithful God must be kept open in order for healing to happen. Church leaders can learn much by reading this book before a trauma occurs." James Leehan, Episcopal Priest
Age Groups: Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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