East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource Catalog Search Results

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (PEAMEN) Peace Dvd: Especially For Youth     
Publisher: Mennonite Media, 2005
Vendor: Mennonite Media
Length: 6 sessions
Heading: YMI-MIS — Youth Ministries / Miscellaneous
Subjects: Discipleship--christian Living; Peace And Justice, And War; Youth Ministry
Location: YMI
# Copies: 1
Description: "Peace is when everything is the best it can be. "
But what can one person do? Find the answers from people on the DVD. They wouldn't consider themselves peace activists, yet they are trying to make something in their world "the best it can be." Read their stories and listen to the video clips. Then choose some of the activities in "You Can Do This" throughout this site and give it a try - you can help make the world a more peaceful place.

Do peace!

This study contains scripture, discussion starters, and DVD segments. A study guide is included or may be downloaded from the website www.peacedvd.com.

Lessons are:
1. Peace With God
2. Peace and Community
3. Peace and the Earth
4. Peace and Service
5. Peace and the Nation
6. Bits and Peaces Script, DVD
Materials: DVD
Study Guide inside case
Age Groups: Young Adult

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