East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource Catalog Search Results

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (CLAWIL) Claiming The Story: Christian History For United Methodists     
Publisher: Willowgreen, 1988
Vendor: Ecufilm
Length: 1 sessions
Heading: UMC — United Methodist Church
Subjects: Church History; United Methodist Church History
Location: UMC
# Copies: 1
Description: This presentation can be used with both young and old as it unfolds the drama of Christianity - the personalities, the movements, and the events that shaped each age through the centuries. Using various paintings and art media and following the German and English Reformations, the storyline follows the development of United Methodism, showing the denomination's direct links with the entire span of Christian history. It can be viewed as a whole or in sections.
Approx. 40 minutes
Materials: DVD
Age Groups: None specified.

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