East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource Catalog Search Results

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (SHOBEC) Shocking and Scandalous Stories from the Bible     
Author: Becker, Mary Grace & Miller, Susan Martins
Publisher: Standard Publishing, 2010
Vendor: ChristianBook.com
Length: 13 sessions
Heading: YMI-BST — Youth Ministries / Bible Study
Subjects: Bible Study; Family Life; Youth Ministry
Location: YMI
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780784723999
Description: Shocking and Scandalous Stories from the Bible will get your middle school/ junior high students to take a close look at moral and ethical issues that were relevant in Bible times and still are today. These include things like step-family relationships, broken trust, dating, hate crimes, illicit sex, alcohol abuse, and more. These Bible stories are not about model choices and feel-good-moments; instead, most of them are about the bad decisions people make. The discussion-based lessons showcase the "me-first" attitude that got many Bible Characters into trouble.
Your students will discover tools they need to make better choices— godly choices—when they face PG-13-level challenges in their own lives.
13 lessons with leader directions, time charts, options, handouts, icebreakers, dramas, teen mentoring methods, activities, etc. and an interactive DVD. Unique methods to move beyond the typical "listen-to-a-leader-talk" approach to middle school youth meetings or Sunday school.
13 sessions, very short video clips
Materials: DVD
Age Groups: Middle School; High School; Young Adult

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