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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Kit (380.0400-01) Here and Now 2004-2005     
Author: Pc(usa)
Publisher: Pc (Usa), 2004
Heading: 061 — Communications
Subjects: Church Growth; Church renewal; Communication
# Copies: 1
Description: Box - tapes and booklets
The materials in this kit are designed to help you reach the people in your community with the good news of Jesus Christ.

The audience for the ads includes people who are: facing life transitions; new to the community; seeking deeper meaning in life; have little or no church experience. The goal of the material is to raise awareness of your church as an inviting, welcoming community where they can find support, answers and life-long growth in the Christian faith.

This kit contains the resources you need to develop and implement a successful media campaign.

English and Spanish resources.

2 books: Reaching Those Searching For You and Being a Welcoming Congregation
Data CD with 13 print ads
Audio CD with 6 radio messages
DVD with 6 television messages
Betacam tape with same 6 television messages for use by TV or cable station
Age Groups: None specified.

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