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Resource: Music/Songbook (SBK468=) Hotel Noel     
Author: Boe, Gina
Publisher: Word Music, 2020
Vendor: Word Music
Length: 29 min.
Subjects: Music; Music Christmas; Music Unison
ISBN/ISSN: 080689656170
Description: As our story’s family begins their journey on Christmas Eve, they find themselves in an epic snowstorm that threatens their safe arrival at Grandma’s house. Forced off the road by the storm, they miraculously come across an unexpected “this-didn’t-show-up-on-anygps- maps” safe harbor… Hotel Noel! With a name like Hotel Noel, full of the promise of holiday festivities and decorations, the kids are severely disappointed as they discover it to be a plain, bland, not-a-decoration-in-sight hotel. Unknown to the family, however, the hotel is staffed by Christmas angels tasked to share the true meaning of Christmas with those in need of hearing their message of hope and salvation. These special, heavenly envoys - Gloria, Gabriel, Michael, and Angela - step in to share the origins and meaning of the hotel’s name, Noel, explaining that Christmas is more about celebrating the birth of our Savior than about brightly wrapped gifts and shiny holiday decorations. This new Simply WordKidz Musical for a Christmas carries the hallmarks of the series – easy to learn, easy to sing, easy to produce – while featuring fun and powerful new songs of the season along with familiar carols. Celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas with Hotel Noel and let your kids choir share with the world what Christmas is really all about! Songs include: Hotel Noel Walk-On Music; On Our Way to Christmas; Welcome to Hotel Noel; The First Noel; What Makes Christmas Morning with Joy to the World!; Waking Up to Christmas; Hotel Noel Reprise. Children/20 min./Easy/Unison. (Word) Listening CD available.
Materials: SBK
Listening CD
Age Groups: Preschool; Lower elementary; Upper Elementary

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