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Resource: Music/Songbook (SBK487=) Bethlehem Express     
Author: Boe, Gina
Publisher: Brentwood-Benson, 2023
Vendor: Brentwood-Benson
Length: 39 min.
Subjects: Music; Music Christmas; Music Unison/2-part
Description: A new and fresh narrative of a Christmas train that focuses on the story of Jesus; Cultivates an excitement in kids to tell their friends about Jesus; Includes special songs for kids that can also be used for their Sunday morning worship.
Do you hear that train whistle?? Time to get your ticket and hop on board for this trip to a live nativity filled with unexpected surprises along the way.
We invite you to join us aboard the Bethlehem Express, the new Brentwood Benson Christmas musical for kids, created by Gina Boe. We promise you a great journey, but we can’t guarantee a smooth ride! You’ll experience some unplanned stops along the way to “fix” the train. These frustrating break-downs to repair the “whatcha-ma-call-it” and the “thing-ama-bob” aren’t part of the plan… or are they??!! Each stop makes our passengers feel like they are getting farther and farther away from the nativity, when in fact, each stop and person they meet along the way is bringing them closer and closer to discovering the real meaning of Christmas. Songs include: Bethlehem Express; The Road to Bethlehem; Glory to God; Unexpected Christmas; For Unto Us; Bethlehem Express (Reprise) Children/39 min./Easy/Unison/2-part. (Brentwood-Benson) Listening CD available.
Age Groups: Preschool; Lower elementary; Upper Elementary

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