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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (DVD2907CL) Kingdom Politics: Government from God's Perspective     
Series: (DVD2907CL=) Kingdom Politics: Government from God's Perspective
Author: Evans, Tony
Publisher: Lifeway, 2024
Vendor: Christian Book Distributors
Subjects: Christian Living: Adults; Closed Captioned
Location: CLFS
# Copies: 2 (2 previous reservations found)
  Copy A: 4/9/2024-6/17/2024
  Copy B: 4/15/2024-6/10/2024
ISBN/ISSN: 9781430085263
Description: Promotional Video (1:28)
1. Ruler of the Nations (13:28)
2. The Purpose of Government (12:58)
3. Foundations for Kingdom Government (12:36)
4. The Values of the Kingdom (12:05)
5. The Responsibility of Kingdom Citizens (11:59)
6. The Strategy for Kingdom Transformation (12:03)
Session Previews
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Senior Adult (55+)

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