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Resource: DVD (DVD1699CF=) Credo Confirmation Multimedia Teaching Tools     
Author: Cokesbury
Publisher: Cokesbury, 2011
Vendor: Cokesbury
Subjects: Confirmation; Methodism
Location: Confirmation
ISBN/ISSN: 9781426736292
Description: DVD/CD-ROM/guide/2011. As part of the Credo Conformation Program the Multimedia Teaching Tools provides an original video segment and an original Microsoft PowerPoint slide show for each of the 18 sessions in the Credo Confirmation program. The video segments, which are approximately two minutes in length, illustrate and reinforce the key teachings in each session and are a great way to introduce each topic. The PowerPoint shows can run throughout each session, emphasizing key points and stimulating visual learners. These teaching tools make lessons come alive for your confirmands as they learn their story, confirm their faith, and live out their commitment as United Methodist Christians. This comprehensive resource is designed to be flexible and reinforce each topic covered. (Ages 12-14)
Age Groups: Upper Elementary; Middle School

Resources in this series:

  • (DVD1699CF) Credo Confirmation Multimedia Teaching Tools
  • (CDRM6CF) Credo Confirmation Multimedia Teaching Tools
  • (G32CF) Credo Confirmation Multimedia Teaching Tools

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