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Resource: DVD (DVD1921B=) OneBook: The Epic of Eden: Isaiah     
Author: Richter, Sandra
Publisher: Seedbed Publishing, 2016
Vendor: Seedbed Publishing
Length: 235 min.
Subjects: Bible Adults; Bible Old Testament
Location: Bible
ISBN/ISSN: 9781628242720
Description: 8 lessons, 20-25 min./study guide. Often named “the fifth gospel,” the book of the prophet Isaiah has more to say about Israel’s coming Messiah than any other Old Testament book. Brilliant, courageous, uncompromising, this prophet declared that “the year of the LORD” had come and God’s people needed to either step up, or stand down. Indeed, when Isaiah spoke, kings trembled. But too often, when Isaiah speaks today, God’s people have trouble hearing. Why? We often miss the larger context. In The Epic of Eden: Isaiah, Dr. Sandra Richter takes participants back to the eighth century BCE. This eight-week study explains Israel’s religion and economy, explores the definition and role of the prophets, and helps us to apply the message of this great champion of the faith to our lives today. How does this series work? The study involves two components. The first is a set of eight DVD lessons, approximately 20-25, sessions with Dr. Sandra Richter, and the second is a study guide for each of your group members. This workbook includes five individual studies per week, to be done at home. The idea is that each member will be working at home at their own pace, doing as much or as little as schedules permit. Once per week your group will gather to view the filmed study, talk about the individual work from the week, and focus on some group discussion questions.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Senior Adult (55+)

Resources in this series:

  • (DVD1921B) OneBook: The Epic of Eden: Isaiah #1
  • (DVD1922B) OneBook: The Epic of Eden: Isaiah #2
  • (SG151B) OneBook: The Epic of Eden: Isaiah

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