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Resource: Mentor's Guide (MenG1CF) Confirm Your Faith. Your Commitment. God’s Call.     
Series: (DVD2006CF=) Confirm Your Faith. Your Commitment. God’s Call.
Author: Cokesbury
Publisher: Cokesbury, 2016
Vendor: Cokesbury
Length: 96 Pages
Subjects: Christian/Church History; Closed Captioned; Confirmation; Methodism
Location: Confirmation
# Copies: 6 (1 previous reservation found)
  Copy B: 1/9/2023-7/31/2024
ISBN/ISSN: 9781501826993
Description: Mentor Guide - This guide provides an overview of the confirmation process and equips mentors with suggested relationship building ideas, as well as providing some of the do’s and don’ts when taking on the role of mentor. A mentor doesn’t need to be a trained theologian or someone who has all the answers. Rather, a mentor is an adult who is mature in the faith and can walk alongside a young person on the confirmation journey. CC
Age Groups: Middle School; High School

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